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Our school is part of the Lingfield Education Trust family. As such, our policies can be either a school level policy, or a Trust policy which ensures consistency across our family of schools. Below, are the key policies which we work to as a school - however schools and Trusts have hundreds of policies in place in order to run well - too many to include here. 


Whilst our complaints procedures are agreed at Trust level, and are consistent across all off our schools, the policy is rooted in school level contact and support at the earliest stages of a complaint or concern. The aim of this policy is to ensure that a concern or complaint by a parent/carer or member of the public is managed sympathetically, efficiently, at the appropriate level and resolved as soon as possible. Most concerns, where a parent/carer seeks intervention, reconsideration or some other action to be taken, can be resolved informally. As such, parents/carers should raise the concern initially with the Class Teacher, Senior Leader or Executive Headteacher in the first instance as a 'stage 1' complaint. Should the complaint not be resolved, then the complaint progresses to 'stage 2', with greater involvement of the Trust. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us with regard to any specific request or query, including a request for a paper copy of a policy, or to find out about a policy which is not included here, or on our Trust site - we will be glad to assist. 


Please follow the link below to view all Lingfield Education Trust's policies - by which we work to at Northwood. The Trust policies include many of the statutory policies for our school, including our:


  • Admissions Policy (an overview of our Trust procedures).

  • Data Protection, Subject Access Request and related GDPR Policies

  • Whistleblowing - how to report a concern to the Trust 

  • Suspension and Exclusion Policy

  • Peer on Peer Abuse - a Trust wide approach to this safeguarding issue 

  • Privacy Notice and Pupil Record Retention Schedule Policies

  • Charging and Remissions - a common approach for all of our Trust schools 

  • Code of Conduct for Employees

  • Trust Equality Policy and Trust Level Objectives

  • Acceptable use of Technology 

  • Heath and Safety Statement  

  • Complaints Policy

LET Logo_trans.png
Accessibility Policy
Admissions Policy - Nursery
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Complaints Policy
Equality Policy and Objectives
Health and Safety Policy
Helping in School Guidelines
Mobile Phone and Camera Policy
SEND Policy
Sex and Relationship Education Policy
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions
Suspension and Exclusion Policy
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