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Our Approach to Remote Learning

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to families about what to expect from us in relation to remote education.


The information is organised by the key questions that families may have regarding our online learning offer.


If a sudden closure is needed, what will the first one or two days look like for us as a family?


A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach, while we take all necessary actions to prepare for a longer period of remote teaching. As such, in the first day or two of a longer period of closure we will:​

  • Expect children to read their current reading books, and complete any outstanding homework.

  • Log in to Times Table Rockstars and complete your daily Times Table practise.

Use our school website to access a wealth of other websites with activities to do at home.

Remote Learning Rules

Remember even though you aren’t in the building our usual rules still apply, plus a few more...

Remote Learning Rules

Make sure you are ready for your lesson, have your equipment pack ready and get your computer ready 5 minutes before the start time – we all know computers can be tricky.


Remote Learning Rules

In lessons you will be muted, put your hand up if you want to speak.


How does the substantive remote curriculum align with the ‘normal’ school curriculum?  


  • The remote curriculum which the children will follow closely mirrors the learning that would have taken place in the classroom. For example, children will still progress through our English and Maths curriculum at the same pace as if they were in school.

  • The remote curriculum will also encompass the vast majority of subjects that the children experience in school. Whilst some learning experiences that would have taken place in school are simply not possible via remote learning (e.g. the more practical aspects of the Design Technology, Science, PE and Computing curricula), teachers will either move this learning to a period when children return to school, or source alternative theoretical learning to mirror the learning intention (e.g. a video of a science experiment, or online simulation).


Whilst PE cannot always be taught remotely, we do expect that children take part in physical exercise and challenges as directed through our remote learning tasks.

Remote Learning Rules

Make sure you are dressed, you wouldn’t come to school in your pyjamas or underwear!


Remote Learning Rules

Make sure you are in a comfortable work space with no distractions, TVs switched off etc.


Remote Learning Rules

You MUST stay in the lesson for the entire input, you wouldn’t pop off to make a sandwich half way through maths in school – you will miss your new learning!


Which tools and platforms do you use in order to deliver the remote learning?


  • Microsoft Teams – all live teaching sessions will be delivered through this platform.

  • Learning videos are uploaded to the school YouTube channel – but only accessible via unlisted link.


We do not expect families to have access to any specific software or printing facilities, all of our tasks can be done using resources found at home. Parents can collect paper work packs from the school office if they prefer.

What if we don’t have the ‘kit’ needed for online learning?


We recognise that for some families, remote education is daunting and may not have the equipment that is required. In order to help, we can:


  • Provide a limited number of laptops to families to loan for free, through a home-school loan agreement.

  • Source 4G mobile internet for families who do not have internet in the family home.

  • Provide a place in school, where vulnerable children and critical workers are able to attend. Not being able to access any home learning can make a child ‘vulnerable’. 


These discussions will be had with families as soon as closure is announced – if not before. During the first day of school closures, all families at home will be contacted by email or telephone to ensure that they are prepared and able to support the remote education plans at home.

In addition to providing access to technology, we will ensure that teachers and pupils are provided with support and guidance on how to use Microsoft Teams.

How are days of remote learning structured? How will you teach my child and what will a day look like?


Each day, we aim to ensure that our children take part in approximately 3 hours of teaching and study time. For pupils in Key Stage Two this will be up to 4 hours.

This is achieved by…


  • Task 1: The first of two live teaching sessions on Microsoft Teams, this may be English, Maths or another curriculum area. Accompanying tasks will be explained during this session.

  • Task 2: The second of two live teaching session. Accompanying tasks will be explained during this session.

  • Task 3: A pre-recorded lesson on our school YouTube account where children will be set a variety of subject learning tasks across the weeks, reflecting the range of subjects taught in school.


Remote Learning Rules

You need to wait until the teacher tells you to start your independent work. What they are teaching will help you.


Remote Learning Rules

Please no eating during the live parts, it is only 25 minutes.


Remote Learning Rules

Keep your cameras on so we can see your faces- we can tell by the puzzled looks if something needs explaining again.


Remote Learning Rules

Answering questions and participating isn’t optional – you wouldn’t not answer a question in class.


Remote Learning Rules

Anything posted in the chat must be appropriate and relevant to the lesson.


Remote Learning Rules

Mobile phones should not be used during the session and you should not use your phone or laptop to screenshot or take photos/videos of the live sessions.


Across the week all children will be set:


  • A PE challenge

  • An art challenge

  • Times Table Rockstars learning

  • An outdoor challenge

  • Tasks through Education City


In addition to this, children and families will receive a phone call, as part of the rolling programme of individual ‘check ins’ or to support learning following a review of work from the class teacher.

Exercise books and workbooks can be sent home to support the taught sessions and to facilitate appropriate recording. Photographs of this work can be emailed back to the class teacher for feedback as well as answers shared through the ‘live chat’ function on Microsoft Teams.  

How much do you expect children to engage in the learning and what will happen if you are concerned about levels of engagement? How will you support us as a family?


  • We expect all children at home to engage in the teaching and study activities set each day.

  • If a child does not access home learning, a call home is made to see how school can remove any potential barriers so that remote learning can resume. This may include staff providing additional tutorials online to show families how to access specific learning tasks, or staff supporting families to plan effective remote learning routines. If these cannot be embedded or prove unsuccessful, a place may be offered in school, where vulnerable children and critical workers are able to attend. Not accessing any home learning can make a child ‘vulnerable’. 

  • We have deliberately ensured that each year groups’ live teaching sessions do not clash with another year group, to support families who have several children at home (who may share a device). We have also ensured that recorded videos and separate tasks are available online where adults may be home-working – so that the tasks can be completed as flexibly as possible.

How will my child receive feedback on their learning? 


  • Assessment will be built into each live session with children being encouraged to briefly re-visit previous learning before starting the main content of the session. Additional tasks and retrieval style questions will also allow the teacher to assess children’s knowledge and provide feedback.

  • Teachers will provide feedback to the children in their classes through the class email system.

  • Live feedback will be given to pupils when they are using Microsoft Teams and answering questions using the hands up or chat functions.

  • We know that peer interactions can provide motivation and improve learning outcomes therefore the chat function will remain enabled throughout.

  • Some children may be offered 1-1 feedback sessions

  • The rolling programme of phone calls give an opportunity for staff to praise and feedback in more depth, where required.

What will happen if my child has additional needs and requires additional support? 


  • Each day, staff review engagement and achievement of all children in their class. If a child appears to require additional support,1:1 phone calls or an additional ‘Teams’ meeting will be arranged.

  • Tasks will be differentiated at individual level via Microsoft Teams delivery and also through paper packs of work.

  • Children who have an EHCP or support plan, who are not in school, will be afforded additional contact via the staff who typically support them in school. This will be additional to the general individual ‘check ins’ that are planned each week.

Remote Learning Survey Results.png

What will remote learning look like if my child is self-isolating, but the majority of the class are in school?


  • A pack of work will be sent home for the child to complete from the class email address. The teacher will phone the child during the isolation period to check in. Northwood’s Parent Support Advisor and admin staff will also keep in contact with the family.

What will remote learning look like if it is only my child’s class that are isolating due to a confirmed positive Covid test?


  • The Class Teacher will teach four live sessions a day to children at home using Microsoft Teams.  These sessions will always include a daily reading and maths session. Following each live teacher input a member of support staff will be available for small group support in a separate Teams meeting. Work packs will be made available for any families requesting them.

Learning at Home - Online Educational Resources

Below is a range of websites that provide online resources for children to use, or websites that will allow them to explore topics they may cover in school.  This is not a complete list, as there are thousands of websites that could be access, but a selection which are based on the UK curriculum (as some sites refer to the American schooling system) that can be used as a starting point.  An internet search for educational resources will also provide other websites that can be accessed. Please follow the links below to browse the resources.


This document outlines what children should learn during their time at primary school so you can check if the resource is suitable for your child.

Online Reading Resources

Social and Emotional Support


Here are some activities and resources to help your children through this difficult time.

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