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Curriculum Statement

At Northwood Primary School, children are provided with a broad and balanced curriculum that aims to develop each child’s full potential both academically and personally. We believe that every child is capable of achieving success and doing something ‘special’ - this could be in academic subjects, creative subjects or through sport. Basic ‘life-long learning’ skills are given a high priority and we encourage children to work hard and make the most of the opportunities we offer.


We are determined to ensure that our curriculum enhances our school culture and immerses children in exciting learning opportunities that develop the whole child. We aim to identify and remove barriers to learning and provide experiences that respond to diverse needs, including those of the most able.


We believe that children learn through experience and our curriculum encompasses a wide range of first hand experiences for each year group that complement the teaching and learning that occurs at Northwood. We are determined to achieve our aim that all children should reach their full potential and excel across the curriculum and not just in English and Maths.


Whilst our school is committed to a topic approach, we value the study of each subject separately and provide children with key skills to be competent in each subject whilst at our school and beyond.


Parents are kept up to date about our curriculum by the means of a curriculum overview which is sent out each half term which includes suggestions for how the curriculum can be further extended at home.


PLEASE NOTE: Children cannot be withdrawn from studying the the National Curriculum, however there are some exceptions to this in relation to religious education and sex education, which can be discussed upon request.

Curriculum by

Year Group


Curriculum by


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