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Developing Character at Northwood Primary School

At Northwood we feel it vital to not only help our children grow academically, but also to develop their character so they become well-rounded, happy and successful individuals throughout their time at Northwood and beyond. With this in mind we like to instil our '3 Virtues' in all that we do. 

Our 3 Virtues


For us, kindness is not only about being kind to others. Importantly, it is about being kind to yourself too. Being kind to yourself and others is about manners, politeness as well as accepting your areas of weakness. If we don’t accept that we have areas for developments, we will not see the true potential we have to grow. Kindness is also about how we are in our local and other communities. Children from Northwood recognise the important role they play as citizens in the local area. Being kind to others involves celebrating our differences and learning about a wide range of views and beliefs.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”


Courage is part of the character we grow at Northwood. It is about having the courage to push yourself to achieve ambitious goals. It is also about being brave and participating in conversations and offering your contributions. Children are taught that they can and should express their thoughts and opinions. This is also about learning from mistakes and errors.

"Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”


At Northwood, we recognise that we all can and will make mistakes. We teach that the important part of making mistakes is learning from them and eventually becoming successful. A key thought to bear in mind is ‘not yet’. If you can’t do something yet, be resilient and you will grow to be successful. Some things in school and life are difficult, we need to build resilience so that we don’t give up easily and seek help when needed.

“All things are difficult before they are easy.”

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