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Dec 12, 2023
Moving christmas cards!
We have been designing and making our own moving christmas cards. We discussed the part of the card which could move and decided that we...
Dec 12, 2023
What do Christians believe God is like?
Today in RE we listened and discussed the parable of the Lost Son and were able to recall the story well. We linked our discussion back...
Dec 1, 2023
Our own Mackenzie Thorpe art
We have been discussing as a class all the different artwork by Mackenzie Thorpe, looking at the meaning behind. He creates art work...
Dec 1, 2023
What colour are the leaves in Autumn?
We looked closely at the leaves we could see outside and then used oil pastels to carefully look at the colours and draw the leaves we...
Dec 1, 2023
The Prodigal Son
This week we listened to the parable 'The Prodigal Son'. We discussed the emotions that were present in the story, sadness and jealousy...
Dec 1, 2023
Sliders, levers and flaps!
The children spent time looking at the Maisy books, which they discovered had lots of sliders, levers and flaps. Lots of the children...
Dec 1, 2023
An alien has landed...
On Monday, something strange happened at Northwood... there was a bang on the window and we went out to investigate, look at what we...
Nov 23, 2023
Following a map.
The children used a map of the school to give each other instructions and direct them to particular locations. We discussed the type of...
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