Welcome to Northwood
Primary School
We are proud to extend a warm welcome to all visitors to this site and to our wonderfully bright and vibrant school.
The aim of this site is to guide you through a raft of valuable information which we hope will provide you with a snap shot of our school and all it has to offer.
Please explore our website but better still come and visit us. We would love to show you around and talk to you about all we have to offer. Please contact us to arrange a visit and experience our fantastic learning community, where everyone matters and everyone counts. Staff and governors are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all children at Northwood Primary School.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Amy Young: Head Teacher
Miss Sarah Kelly: Deputy Head Teacher
Mr Rhys Tapner: Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Jenna Negus: SENCO and Assistant Head Teacher for SEN, Inclusion and Vulnerable Pupils
Chair of Governors
Mrs Hayley Douglas