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Class 7 - PSHE

The first PSHE lesson for this term (Autumn 2) asked us what is good and bad about being online. We had lots of discussion about this and we talked about what we do when we are online. We also talked about the different things that we can use the internet for.

Jack, "We can use the internet to play games."

Marina, "to buy things."

Esme B, "to talk to people."

We then looked at different behaviours online and discussed these. We were given sorting cards of these different online behaviours and we put them into categories of 'positive uses of the internet' and 'negative uses of the internet'. We discussed these and spoke about the consequences of negative online behaviours.

Jacob, "If someone is being mean, you should block them."

Esme S, "If you see something you shouldn't have, you should tell an adult."

We then discussed how fortunate we are to have the internet and all of the wonderful things it allows us to do but we must use the internet responsibly otherwise it can have negative consequences.

Kate, "I switch my iPad off and read a book before bed time to give my eyes a rest.".

Finally, as a class, we made a pledge, to use the internet more responsibly.


This week, in our PSHE lesson, we continued to look at the internet. We discussed and recapped what we learnt in our last PSHE lesson and the positives and negatives of using the internet. We then talked about relationships online and the people we might talk to online. We agreed that the internet is a useful way of talking to friends and family and that it is fun to play games with our friends but sometimes there are people we don't know.

Kate B - "When i was playing roblox, someone I didn't know kept adding me as a friend. I declined but they kept trying to add me so I blocked them."

In small groups, we looked at some different scenarios that might happen online and talked about what we might do. we then shared our ideas as a class.

Esme S - "I would say, sorry, I don't feel comfortable doing that and show my mum."


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