Moving christmas cards!
We have been designing and making our own moving christmas cards. We discussed the part of the card which could move and decided that we...

Class 7 - RE - Christingle Making
This week, Class 7 had a special visitor, Emma from The Well church. Emma came in and talked to us about christingles, what they mean to...

What do Christians believe God is like?
Today in RE we listened and discussed the parable of the Lost Son and were able to recall the story well. We linked our discussion back...

Christmas Party
Year 4 had a great time at their Christmas Party - we played lots of games, enjoyed food and drinks and did a lot of dancing!

Christingle Making
Today we welcomed Emma from The Well church to learn all about the significance of Christingles and to make our very own to take home!

Christmas Partyyyyy!
Class 8 had an amazing time at out Year 3 Christmas Party on Friday - gorgeous outfits, fabulous food, party games and prizes and dancing...

National Tree Dressing Week
This week is ‘National Tree Dressing Week’ here at Northwood. Year 3 were tasked with making Suet Bird Feeders. We mixed bird seed and...

Santa Dash!
On the run up to Christmas, Year 4 took part in the Santa Dash. We had to run laps around the playground!

Computing - Quizzes
As part of our computing this term, we looked at creating quizzes. We first investigated the difference between a paper quiz and a...

Computing - Quizzes
As part of our computing this term, we looked at creating quizzes. We first investigated the difference between a paper quiz and a...

Christmas Cards
On the run up to Christmas, we made our own Rockin' Robin Christmas cards.

National Dress a Tree Week
As part of National Dress a Tree Week, Year 4 collected leaves and let them dry out. After they had dried, we painted them and placed...

Our own Mackenzie Thorpe art
We have been discussing as a class all the different artwork by Mackenzie Thorpe, looking at the meaning behind. He creates art work...

What colour are the leaves in Autumn?
We looked closely at the leaves we could see outside and then used oil pastels to carefully look at the colours and draw the leaves we...

The Prodigal Son
This week we listened to the parable 'The Prodigal Son'. We discussed the emotions that were present in the story, sadness and jealousy...

Sliders, levers and flaps!
The children spent time looking at the Maisy books, which they discovered had lots of sliders, levers and flaps. Lots of the children...

An alien has landed...
On Monday, something strange happened at Northwood... there was a bang on the window and we went out to investigate, look at what we...

Let's Investigate- Do people with the longest legs jump furthest?
Class 8 completed an investigation to establish whether people with the longest legs are able to jump the furthest - with some surprising...

Darlington Sports Hall Athletics
Year 4 were lucky enough to take part in Darlington Sports Hall Athletics. A mixture of boys and girls from both Class 9 and Class 10...

PE - Gymnastics
As part of our PE this term, we have been looking at gymnastics. We practised balances, bridges, jumps, rolls and using apparatus before...